First and Last Name*Email* Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone*May I text you on your phone? Yes No Best time to call?MorningAfternoonEveningAny timeHow did you find Grateful K9?About Your DogYour dog's name?*Where did you get your dog?*Breeder, rescue, shelter, as gift, etc. Your dog's sex?*Is your dog spayed or neutered?*What breed is your dog?*Your dog's age?*How long has your dog been with you?*Dog BehaviorWhat are your top 3 behavioral concerns for your dog?*Have you worked with another trainer? If so, what training company?*If so, can you tell me anything about that experience that might be important?Was there a particular incident that prompted you to seek help at this time with your dog?What training are you interested in?*Yes, I have reviewed the training options and pricing on Grateful K9's Website in the Services and Fees section.* Yes How does your dog respond to strangers when they enter the home?How does your dog respond to strangers when they encounter them in public?Please select the areas your dog needs help with: Housebreaking Play biting/mouthing Bolting out doors Digging and Chewing Pulling on the leash Bolting out doors Running away Stealing things Chasing (kids, cat, cars, other) Misbehaving in automobiles Fearfulness & shyness Over-protective Crate Training Biting/nipping Doesn't listen Over activeness Eats feces What type of daily exercise does your dog get?Is your dog currently on any medications? Yes No If yes, for what and for how long?Is your dog prone to or recovering from any injuriesIf yes, please explain.How do you feed your dog? Free feed (Food always available) Specific Times What brand of food do you feed your dog?Where does your dog sleep? In a crate In a family member's bed In his dog bed (not confined) Outside of the house Other What percentage of the time is your dog inside?Is your dog crate trained? Yes No Does your dog like to ride in the car? Yes No In the car does he/she ride:Check all that apply In a crate Loose In a seatbelt/harness How does he/she behave in the car?Do you walk your dog? Yes No Does your dog pull on the leash? Yes No What kind of leash/collar/equipment do you currently use or have ever used?Select all that apply Harness (leash attaches to chest) Harness (leash attaches to back) Head collar/halter (Halti, Gentle Leader, etc.) Belt collar (regular flat collar) Chain collarProng collar Remote/electronic collar Perimeter collar (electronic collar to keep dog on property) Off leash When you walk your dog and he/shee sees another dog, do they:Select all that apply Ignore the other dog Show some interest but keeps walking Growl and show aggression (e.g. lunges) Growl and tries to get away or hide behind you Wag his tail in a playful manner and want to play Pull hard to get to the other dog in a not-so-friendly way Other When you walk your dog and he sees a cat or other small animal, do they: Ignore the cat/animal Show some interest but keeps walking Growl and show aggression (e.g. lunges) Growl and tries to get away or hide behind you Wag his tail in a playful manner and want to play Pull hard to get to the other animal in a not-so-friendly way Other What kind of "patient" is your dog at the vet? Select All Great - the vet can do anything to him A little nervous, but behaves for exams Scared - he stands very still and his body is stiff Terrified - he urinates and/or defecates Doesn't like it - growls and/or has snapped Hates it - he must be muzzled or he'll bite Other Does your dog allow you to "examine" them? Yes No Sometimes Does your dog allow you to groom them? Yes No Sometimes What happens if you interrupt your dog while he's eating? He doesn't appear to care He tries to eat more quickly He freezes and stands over his bowl He growls, snaps or bites Not sure Does your dog allow you to take away a high-value or forbidden item? Yes No Not sure Has your dog ever had obedience training? Yes No If yes, please describeAre you opposed to using any of the following training tools? Treats Clicker Head collar/halter (Halti, Gentle Leader) Chain collar Prong collar Electric collar If opposed to a particular tool, is it because I had a bad experience My dog had a bad experience I heard it was a bad tool I'm afraid I'll hurt my dog It seems complicated What commands does your dog know and perform consistently?What motivates your dog? Food Affection/Praise Play Not sure Please list all (human) household members and ages of children living with your dog.Who do you think your dog sees as "leader" in your household and why?Please list all other animals in your household and their ages. Please indicate if your dog "gets along" with each animal.Has your dog ever gotten into a fight with another dog?Was either dog injured? Yes No If yes, did injuries require vet attention?How do you discipline your dog?How does your dog respond to discipline? Acts submissively Cowers Ignores Retaliates (growls, snaps) Accepts and moves on Is there anything else about your dog or your training goals that you want us to know?I understand there is a non-refundable $75 fee to schedule a first private lesson with Grateful K9.* Yes, I understand! EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.